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25 Days of Little Flyers: Day 2 Cale Coor II

By Anthony Lorusso , 12/02/16, 3:45PM EST


Holidays in West Texas, Snickerdoodle Cookies and more

25 Days of Christmas with the Little Flyers

Each day from now until Christmas we will sit down and talk to a player from the Little Flyers Eastern Hockey League Junior Team to discuss the holiday season.  On Day two we sat down with #2 Cale Coor II

  1.  Favorite thing about Christmas? : “Getting to spend time with my family and getting presents”
  2. Favorite Christmas tradition growing up as a kid?  “Going to my grandparents’ house in West Texas and being around my 30-40 person family”
  3. What are you looking forward to most this holiday season?  “Seeing my grandparents, I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like, so seeing them again will be good”
  4. Favorite Christmas Food?  “My grandparents Snickerdoodle Cookies”
  5. Favorite Christmas Movie?  “That’s an easy one, Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase”
  6. Favorite Christmas Song?  “All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey”  
  7. Most Memorable Christmas? “I was probably 7 or 8, we’d be in the car waiting to leave to go to my grandparents and my parents would go inside and setup my gifts in hockey nets
  8. Best gift you’ve ever received? “My truck I got for Christmas when I was 16”
  9. Worst gift you’ve ever received? “My parents put rocks or coal in my stocking one year as a joke”
  10. Do you shop early or last minute? “Definitely early, I don’t like rushing”
  11. Hardest person in your family to shop for? “That would be my dad, he likes certain things but he’s older now so we have everything for him.  My mom is the opposite because we know she likes purses and stuff”
  12. Who would you rather drop the gloves with, The Grinch or Ebenezer Scrooge? “The Grinch”
  13. Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? “Hot Chocolate, no marshmallows”
  14.  If you could get one gift this year what would it be? “IPad Pro”