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25 Days of Little Flyers: Day 3 Peter Hatton

By Anthony Lorusso, 12/03/16, 2:00PM EST


Mexican Restaurants, Christmas Vacation, Silent Night and More

Each day from now until Christmas we will sit down and talk to a player from the Little Flyers Eastern Hockey League Junior Team to discuss the holiday season.  On Day three we talked to Co-Captain  #3 Peter Hatton

  1.  Favorite thing about Christmas? : “My favorite thing is going home and seeing everybody in the family, we all go to Christmas Eve Mass together too”
  2. Favorite Christmas tradition growing up as a kid?  “Every Christmas after Church we’d go to this Mexican restaurant called Angelina’s”
  3. What are you looking forward to most this holiday season?  “Looking forward to the cold weather, it’s a little warmer in Texas so having a cold winter is nice”
  4. Favorite Christmas Food?  “ My mom’s Christmas morning coffee cake”
  5. Favorite Christmas Movie?  “It’s got to be Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase, we watch it every year”
  6. Favorite Christmas Song?  “Silent Night”
  7. Most Memorable Christmas? “The year I got my own real hockey net, for years I used this old wooden thing with pipes on it that my dad made I remember we painted the pipes and all,  but when I got the real hockey net that was really cool”
  8. Best gift you’ve ever received? “The most excited I ever got over a present was when I got a Playstation 2”
  9. Worst gift you’ve ever received? “Probably just clothes, sometimes I get bad clothes”
  10. Do you shop early or last minute? “Last minute every time”
  11. Hardest person in your family to shop for? “Probably my Dad…….. (hesitates) Yeah it’s my dad”
  12. Who would you rather drop the gloves with, The Grinch or Ebenezer Scrooge? “The Grinch, I bet he can’t punch very hard with those soft hands, the guys like a puppy dog”
  13. Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? “Hot Chocolate with marshmallows”
  14.  If you could get one gift this year what would it be? “Probably some new sticks, since I’ve already broken like four of them”