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25 Days of Little Flyers: Day 5 Trevor Lewandoski

By Anthony Lorusso, 12/05/16, 12:45PM EST


Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Home Cooked Meals, Red Rider BB Gun & More

Each day from now until Christmas we will sit down and talk to a player from the Little Flyers Eastern Hockey League Junior Team to discuss the holiday season.  On Day five we talked to defenseman #7 Trevor Lewandoski. 

  1.  Favorite thing about Christmas? "The cold weather and the Cleveland snow"
  2. Favorite Christmas tradition growing up as a kid? “Waking up really early at like 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning, jumping on my parents and waking them up and going downstairs to open up presents"
  3. What are you looking forward to most this holiday season?  “Seeing my family and eating some of my mom’s home cooked meals”
  4. Favorite Christmas Food?  My grandma's sugar cookies that she only makes at Christmas and my other grandma also makes great coffee cake.  So both of those” 
  5. Favorite Christmas Movie?  A Christmas story”
  6. Favorite Christmas Song?  I don't really listen to Christmas music a lot but anything by Trans-Siberian Orchestra”
  7. Most Memorable Christmas? “When I got a red rider BB gun for Christmas, I had wanted one for a while and my dad actually gave me his from when he was a kid so that was cool”
  8. Best gift you’ve ever received? I’d have to say the red rider”
  9. Worst gift you’ve ever received? I actually got a lump of coal once from my grandma in my stocking”
  10. Do you shop early or last minute? Sometimes Christmas morning, it's really bad some years”
  11. Hardest person in your family to shop for? “My dad, he's away a lot so I don't know what he wants or what he needs sometimes” 
  12. Who would you rather drop the gloves with, The Grinch or Ebenezer Scrooge? “Scrooge cause he's an old man, the Grinch plays dirty”
  13. Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? “Egg Nog”
  14.  If you could get one gift this year what would it be? “A New pair of work boots”