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25 Days of Little Flyers: Day 10 Brett Abdelnour

By Anthony Lorusso, 12/10/16, 12:00PM EST


Michigan Snow, Mom's Sugar Cookies and more

Each day from now until Christmas we will sit down and talk to a player from the Little Flyers Eastern Hockey League Junior Team to discuss the holiday season.  On day ten we talked to forward #12 Brett Abdelnour

  1.  Favorite thing about Christmas?  "Probably all the snow especially in Michigan, there’s a lot of it”
  2. Favorite Christmas tradition growing up as a kid? “Waking up at the crack of dawn to open presents under the tree”
  3. What are you looking forward to most this holiday season?  “Being back home seeing my family and all my friend”
  4. Favorite Christmas Food?  “Any sugar Christmas cookie that my mom makes”
  5. Favorite Christmas Movie?  “Elf”
  6. Favorite Christmas Song?  “All I Want For Christmas Is You By Mariah Carey”
  7. Most Memorable Christmas? “When I was like 8 years old we went down to Florida, it was one of the only times we went so it was pretty cool”
  8. Best gift you’ve ever received? “A ping pong table”
  9. Worst gift you’ve ever received? “One time I got socks and it was pretty brutal”
  10. Do you shop early or last minute? “More of a shop on Christmas eve kind of guy”
  11. If you had to pick either Kevin McCallister from Home Alone or Ralphie from a Christmas story to play on your line who would it be? “Kevin McCallister, he seems to know his way around”
  12. Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? “Hot Chocolate, I’m not really sure what Egg Nog is”
  13.  If you could get one gift this year what would it be? “Either some new sticks or a new phone”